polaroid camera

What your photographer wish you knew…

June 22, 2023

polaroid camera

I thought I was alone on a lot of these things until I started seeing memes pop up that were geared towards photographers and I was dying. 😝 I’m here to educate you even if it’s cliche to do so. Let’s-a-go!

  • Write your photographer back! When you get your pictures back via email, link, or whatever I BEG YOU please write your photographer back. Even if it’s just to say “I got ‘em” “Thank you” “OMG I love them” “I don’t have time to look right now, but I will, thanks again” “I hate them” ….ANYTHING. We (all photographers) are dying to hear back from you! Since it’s a digital world we don’t get the pleasure of seeing your face or reaction IRL, with the exception of some photogs who only show you your pics in an on-site ordering session. Anyways, we just want to hear from you! We spent a lot of time staring at your face (cringy I know) we need some acknowledgment.
  • Chill out. During your shoot, especially with littles, there is no need to call the baby/child’s name a million times or have them look at the camera. We like to catch natural, in-between moments and those are best done with minimal “LOOK AT THE CAMERA, SMILE, OVER HERE” comments. Just saying. Let it flow enjoy letting your little ones play and be themselves.
  • Spread the LOVE. If you love your photos, and you’re cool with sharing online please hit the “share” button! Tag us, comment on our posts, and tell your friends! Being a small business (no its not a hobby business this sh!t is hard) we love that you want to brag about us. Your voice is so powerful, it doesn’t go unnoticed! My kid’s winter coats, lunch box treats, swimming lessons, a roof over our head, etc. are just a few things your business and power of influence bring us! Not shareholder-holder concerns or big CEO bonuses!
  • Stop using filters. I feel like this point has gotten a lot better over the years, but it’s worth mentioning…do not put a filter on your professionally edited photos. No Instagram filter or any other app is needed if you have hired and paid for a photographer. You hired them for multiple reasons, but the main one is probably the simple fact that you like how their photos look. The look they have created took hours of time and sometimes years to develop. It’s like splashing some paint on the Mona Lisa just because a paint can what’s just laying around. Do not alter photos in any way, please, and thank you.
  • Show us your prints! When you post pictures of your family or whatever and it shows part of your house….we are looking in the background for any pictures on the wall. When we see those proudly displayed in your home it warms our hearts. Here’s a tip to make your photog happy….after you’ve printed and framed those lovely pictures send them a picture of your display even if it’s simple or small.

Unrealistic expectations. When you send your entire Pinterest board with pictures on a beach, in the mountains, a cityscape and expect to have the same images it’s really frustrating. Now don’t get me wrong it is nice to see some examples of what your “vision” is but you need to understand every photo is shot in a different light by a totally different photographer who has another shooting and editing style. You hire your photographer for their style and vision, not to tell them what their vision is.

Anything else a fellow photographer would like to share? Post it in the comments!

If you don’t know, now you know! 😌

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